Friday, March 28, 2008

Senator Obama's NYC Speech on the Economy

This is a detailed, thoughtful look at our financial situation from the underlying forces leading to the current upheaval to specific policy proposals on how to fix it.  Senator Obama describes the thinking on both sides, and charts a sensible middle path.  He conveys that he is as thoughtful and knowledgeable as he is inspiring.  He begins with a history lesson and ends with stirring rhetoric.

In other words, it is a typical Barack Obama speech.  Below is the full text.

March 27, 2008
TRANSCRIPT [from the NY times]

Obama on ‘Renewing the American Economy’

Following is the transcript of Barack Obama's economic speech at Cooper Union in New York, as provided by CQ Transcriptions Inc.


Thank you so much for being here.

Let me begin by thanking Dr. Drucker and Cooper Union for hosting us here today. I have to say that the last time an Illinois politician made a speech here it was pretty good. So...


... the bar is high. And I -- I want everybody to know right at the outset here that this may not be living for generations to come, the way Lincoln's speech did. I want to thank all our elected supporters who are here. I want to -- there are a couple of special guests that I'm very appreciative for being in attendance: Paul Volcker, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve Board...


We appreciate his presence. William Donaldson, the former chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. We thank you. And finally I want to thank the mayor of this great city, mayor Bloomberg, for his extraordinary leadership. At a time...


At a time when Washington is divided in old ideological battles, he shows us what can be achieved when we bring people together to seek pragmatic solutions. Not only has he been a remarkable leader for New York, he's established himself as a major voice in our national debate on issues like renewing our economy, educating our children and seeking energy independence. So, Mr. Mayor, I share your determination to bring this country together, to finally make progress for the American people. And I have to tell you that the reason I bought breakfast is because I expect payback at something more expensive.


I -- the mayor -- I'm no dummy.


The mayor was a cheap date that morning...


... and I figured there's some good steakhouses here in New York.



In a city of landmarks, we meet at Cooper Union, just uptown from Federal Hall, where George Washington took the oath of office as the first president of the United States. With all history that's passed through the narrow canyons of Lower Manhattan, it's worth taking a moment to reflect on the role that the market has played in the development of the American story. The great task before our founders was putting into practice the ideal that government could simultaneously serve liberty and advance the common good. For Alexander Hamilton, the young secretary of the treasury, that task was bound to the vigor of the American economy. Hamilton had a strong belief in the power of the market, but he balanced that belief with a conviction that human enterprise, and I quote, "may be beneficially stimulated by prudent aids and encouragements on the part of the government." Government, he believed, had an important role to play in advancing our common prosperity. So he nationalized the state Revolutionary War debts, weaving together the economies of the states and creating an American system of credit and capital markets. And he encouraged manufacturing and infrastructure, so products could be moved to market. Hamilton met fierce opposition from Thomas Jefferson, who worried that this brand of capitalism would favor the interests of the few over the many. Jefferson preferred an agrarian economy, because he believed that it would give individual landowners freedom and that this freedom would nurture our democratic institutions. But despite their differences, there was one thing that Jefferson and Hamilton agreed on: that economic growth depended upon the talent and ingenuity of the American people; that in order to harness that talent, opportunity had to remain open to all; and that through education in particular, every American could climb the ladder of social and economic mobility and achieve the American dream. In the more than two centuries since then, we've struggled to balance the same forces that confronted Hamilton and Jefferson.: self-interest and community, markets and democracy, the concentration of wealth and power and the necessity of transparency and opportunity for each and every citizen. Throughout this saga, Americans have pursued their dreams within a free market that has been the engine of America's progress. It's a market that's created a prosperity that is the envy of the world, and opportunity for generations of Americans; a market that has provided great rewards to innovators and risk-takers who've made America a beacon for science and technology and discovery.

But the American experiment has worked in large part because we guided the market's invisible hand with a higher principle. A free market was never meant to be a free license to take whatever you can get, however you can get it. That's why we've put in place rules of the road: to make competition fair and open, and honest. We've done this not to stifle but rather to advance prosperity and liberty. As I said at Nasdaq last September, the core of our economic success is the fundamental truth that each American does better when all Americans do better; that the well-being of American business (OOTC:ARBU) , its capital markets and its American people are aligned. I think that all of us here today would acknowledge that we've lost some of that sense of shared prosperity. Now, this loss has not happened by accident. It's because of decisions made in board rooms, on trading floors and in Washington. Under Republican and Democratic administrations, we've failed to guard against practices that all too often rewarded financial manipulation instead of productivity and sound business practice. We let the special interests put their thumbs on the economic scales. The result has been a distorted market that creates bubbles instead of steady, sustainable growth; a market that favors Wall Street over Main Street, but ends up hurting both. Nor is this trend new. The concentrations of economic power and the failures of our political system to protect the American economy and American consumers from its worst excesses have been a staple of our past: most famously in the 1920s, when such excesses ultimately plunged the country into the Great Depression. That is when government stepped in to create a series of regulatory structures, from FDIC to the Glass-Steagall Act, to serve as a corrective, to protect the American people and American business.

Ironically, it was in reaction to the high taxes and some of the outmoded structures of the New Deal that both individuals and institutions in the '80s and '90s began pushing for changes to this regulatory structure. But instead of sensible reform that rewarded success and freed the creative forces of the market, too often we've excused and even embraced an ethic of greed, corner cutting, insider dealing, things that have always threatened the long-term stability of our economic system. Too often we've lost that common stake in each other's prosperity. Now, let me be clear. The American economy does not stand still and neither should the rules that govern it. The evolution of industries often warrants regulatory reform to foster competition, lower prices or replace outdated oversight structures. Old institutions cannot adequately oversee new practices. Old rules may not fit the roads where our economy is leading. So there were good arguments for changing the rules of the road in the 1990s. Our economy was undergoing a fundamental shift, carried along by the swift currents of technological change and globalization. For the sake of our common prosperity, we needed to adapt to keep markets competitive and fair. Unfortunately, instead of establishing a 21st century regulatory framework, we simply dismantled the old one, aided by a legal but corrupt bargain in which campaign money all too often shaped policy and watered down oversight. In doing so we encouraged a winner take all, anything goes environment that helped foster devastating dislocations in our economy. Deregulation of the telecommunications sector, for example, fostered competition, but also contributed to massive over-investment.

Partial deregulation of the electricity sector enabled (inaudible). Companies like Enron and WorldCom took advantage of the new regulatory environment to push the envelope, pump up earnings, disguise losses and otherwise engage in accounting fraud to make their profits look better, a practice that led investors to question the balance sheets of all companies and severely damaged public trust in capital markets. This was not the invisible hand at work. Instead, it was the hand of industry lobbyists tilting the playing field in Washington as well as an accounting industry that had developed powerful conflicts of interest and a financial sector that had fueled over-investment. A decade later we have deregulated the financial sector and we face another crisis. A regulatory structure set up for banks in the 1930s needed to change, because the nature of business had changed. But by the time the Glass-Steagall Act was repealed in 1999, the $300 million lobbying effort that drove deregulation was more about facilitating mergers than creating an efficient regulatory framework. And since then we've overseen 21st century innovation, including the aggressive introduction of new and complex financial instruments like hedge funds and non-bank financial companies, with outdated 20th century regulatory tools. New conflicts of interest recalled the worst excesses of the past, like the outrageous news that we learned just yesterday of KPMG allowing a lender to report profits instead of losses so that both parties could make a quick buck. Not surprisingly, the regulatory environment failed to keep pace. When subprime mortgage lending took a reckless and unsustainable turn, a patchwork of regulators were unable or unwilling to protect the American people. Now, the policies of the Bush administration threw the economy further out of balance. Tax cuts without end for the wealthiest Americans. A trillion dollar war in Iraq that didn't need to be fought, paid for with deficit spending and borrowing from foreign creditors like China. A complete...


A complete disdain for pay-as-you-go budgeting, coupled with a generally scornful attitude toward oversight and enforcement, allowed far too many to put short-term gain ahead of long-term consequences. The American economy was bound to suffer a painful correction, and policy-makers found themselves with fewer resources to deal with the consequences. Today those consequences are clear. I see them in every corner of our great country as families face foreclosure and rising costs. I see them in towns across America, where a credit crisis threatens the ability of students to get loans and states can't finance infrastructure projects. I see them here in Manhattan, where one of our biggest investment banks had to be bailed out and the Fed opened its discount window to a host of new institutions with unprecedented implications that we have yet to appreciate. When all is said and done, losses will be in the many hundreds of billions. What was bad for Main Street turned out to be bad for Wall Street. Pain trickled up. And that...


... and that's why -- that's why the principle that I spoke about at NASDAQ last September is even more urgently true today. In our 21st century economy, there is no dividing line between Main Street and Wall Street.

The decisions made in New York's high rises have consequences for Americans across the country. And whether those Americans can make their house payments, whether they keep their jobs or spend confidentially without falling into debt, that has consequences for the entire market. The future cannot be shaped by the best-connected lobbyists with the best record of raising money for campaigns. This...


This thinking is wrong for the financial sector and it's wrong for our country. I do not believe the government should stand in the way of innovation or turn back the clock on an older era of regulation. But I do believe that government has a role to play in advancing our common prosperity, by providing stable macroeconomic and financial conditions for sustained growth, by demanding transparency and by ensuring fair competition in the marketplace. Our history should give us confidence that we don't have to choose between an oppressive government-run economy and a chaotic, unforgiving capitalism. It tells us we can emerge from great economic upheavals stronger, not weaker. But we can only do so if we restore confidence in our markets, only if we rebuild trust between investors and lenders, and only if we renew that common interest between Wall Street and Main street that is the key to our long-term success. Now, as most experts agree, our economy is in a recession. To renew our economy and to ensure that we are not doomed to repeat a cycle of bubble and bust again and again and again, we need to address not only the immediate crisis in the housing market, we also need to create a 21st-century regulatory framework and we need to pursue a bold opportunity agenda for the American people.

Most urgently, we have to confront the housing crisis. After months of inaction, the president spoke here in New York and warned against doing too much. His main proposal, extending tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, is completely divorced from reality, the reality that people are facing around the country.


John McCain recently announced his own plan. And, unfortunately, it amounts to little more than watching this crisis unfold.


While this is consistent with Senator McCain's determination to run for George Bush's third term...



... it won't help families that are suffering and it won't help lift our economy out of recession. Over 2 million households are at risk of foreclosure. Millions more have seen their home values plunge. Many Americans are walking away from their homes, which hurts property values for entire neighborhoods and aggravates the credit crisis. To stabilize the housing market and to help bring the foreclosure crisis to an end, I've sponsored Senator Chris Dodd's legislation creating a new FHA housing security program, which will provide meaningful incentives for lenders to buy or refinance existing mortgages. This will allow Americans facing foreclosure to keep their homes at rates that they can afford. Now, Senator McCain argues that government should do nothing to protect borrowers and lenders who've made bad decisions or taken on excessive risk.

And on this point I agree. But the Dodd-Frank package is not a bailout for lenders or investors who gambled recklessly; they will take their losses. It's not a windfall for borrowers, as they will have to share any capital gain. Instead, it offers a responsible and fair way to help bring an end to the foreclosure crisis. It asks both sides to sacrifice, while preventing a long-term collapse that could have enormous ramifications for the most responsible lenders and borrowers, as well as the American people as a whole. That's what Senator McCain ignores. For homeowners who are victims of fraud, I've also proposed a $10 billion foreclosure prevention fund that would help them sell a home that is beyond their means or modify their loan to avoid foreclosure or bankruptcy. It's also time to amend our bankruptcy laws so families aren't forced to stick to the terms of a home loan that was predatory or unfair.


To prevent fraud in the future, I've proposed tough new penalties on fraudulent lenders and a home-score system that will allow consumers to find out more about mortgage offers and whether they'll be able to make payments. To help low- and middle-income families, I proposed a 10 percent mortgage interest tax credit that will allow homeowners who don't itemize their taxes to access incentives for homeownership. And to expand homeownership, we must do more to help communities turn abandoned properties into affordable housing. The government can't do this alone, nor should it. As I said last September, lenders must get ahead of the curve rather than just react to the crisis. They should actively look at all borrowers, offer workouts and reduce the principal on mortgages in trouble. Not only can this prevent the larger losses associated with foreclosure and resale, but it can reduce the extent of government intervention and taxpayer exposure. But beyond dealing with the immediate housing crisis, it is time for the federal government to revamp the regulatory framework dealing with our financial markets.


Our capital markets have helped us build the strongest economy in the world. They are the source of competitive advantage for our country.

But they cannot succeed without the public's trust. The details of regulatory reform should be developed through sound analysis and public debate. And so I won't try to cross every "t" and dot every "i" in this speech. But there are several core principles for reform that I intend to pursue as president. First, if you can borrow from the government, you should be subject to government oversight and supervision.


Secretary Paulson admitted this in his remarks yesterday. The Federal Reserve should have basic supervisory authority over any institution to which it may make credit available as a lender of last resort. When the Fed steps in, it is providing lenders an insurance policy underwritten by the American taxpayer. In return, taxpayers have every right to expect that these institutions are not taking excessive risks. Now, the nature of regulation should depend on the degree and extent of the Fed's exposure. But, at the very least, these new regulations should include liquidity and capital requirements. Second, there needs to be general reform of the requirements to which all regulated financial institutions are subjected. Capital requirements should be strengthened, particularly for complex financial instruments like some of the mortgage securities that led to our current crisis. We must develop and rigorously manage liquidity risks. We must investigate ratings agencies and potential conflicts of interest with the people that they are rating. And transparency requirements must demand full disclosure by financial institutions to shareholders and counter parties. As we reform our regulatory system at home, we should work with international arrangements, like the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, the International Accounting Standards Board, and the Financial Stability Forum, to address the same problems abroad.

The goal should be to ensure that financial institutions around the world are subject to similar rules of the road, both to make the system more stable and to keep our financial institutions competitive. Third, we need to streamline a framework of overlapping and competing regulatory agencies. Reshuffling bureaucracies should not be an end in itself. But the large, complex institutions that dominate the financial landscape don't fit into categories created decades ago. Different institutions compete in multiple markets. Our regulatory system should not pretend otherwise. A streamlined system will provide better oversight and be less costly for regulated institutions. Fourth, we need to regulate institutions for what they do, not what they are. Over the last few years, commercial banks and thrift institutions were subject to guidelines on subprime mortgages that did not apply to mortgage brokers and companies. Now, it makes no sense for the Fed to tighten mortgage guidelines for banks when two-thirds of subprime mortgages don't originate from banks. This regulatory framework...


This regulatory framework has failed to protect homeowners and it is now clear that it made no sense for our financial system. When it comes to protecting the American people, it should make no difference what kind of institution they are dealing with. Fifth, we must remain vigilant and crack down on trading activity that crosses the line to market manipulation. On recent days, reports have circulated that some traders may have intentionally spread rumors that Bear Stearns (NYSE:BSC) was in financial distress while making market bets against the country. The SEC should investigate and punish this kind of market manipulation and report its conclusions to Congress. Sixth, we need a process that identifies systemic risks to the financial system.

Too often we deal with threats to the financial system that weren't anticipated by regulators. That's why we should create a financial market oversight commission, which would meet regularly and provide advice to the president, Congress and regulators on the state of our financial markets and the risks that face them. These experts' views could help anticipate risks before they erupt into a crisis.

These six principles should guide the legal reforms needed to establish a 21st-century regulatory system, but the changes we need goes beyond the laws and regulation. We need a shift in the cultures of our financial institutions and our regulatory agencies. Financial institutions have to do a better job at managing risk. There is something wrong when board of directors or senior managers don't understand the implications of the risks assumed by their own institutions. It's time to realign incentives and the compensation packages so that both high-level executives and employees better serve the interests of shareholders. And it's time to confront the risks that come with excessive complexity. Even the best government regulation cannot fully substitute for internal risk management. For supervisory agencies, oversight has to keep pace with innovation. As the subprime crisis unfolded, tough questions about new and complex financial instruments were not asked. As a result, the public interest was not protected. We do American business and the American people no favors when we turn a blind eye to excessive leverage and dangerous risks. And finally, the American people must be able to trust that their government is looking out for all of us, not just those who donate to political campaigns. I...


I fought in the Senate for the most extensive ethics reforms since Watergate, and we got those passed.


I've refused contributions from federal lobbyists and PACs. I have laid out far-reaching plans that I intend to sign into law as president to bring transparency to government and to end the revolving door between industries and the federal agencies that oversee them.



Once we deal with the immediate crisis in housing and strengthen the regulatory system governing our financial markets, we have to make government responsive once again to all of the American people. And our final task, in fact, is to make sure that opportunity is available to all Americans. You know, the bedrock of our economic success is the American dream. It's a dream shared in big cities and small towns, across races, regions and religions, that, if you work hard, you can support a family; that if you get sick, there will be health care that you can afford; that you can retire...


... that you can retire with the dignity and security and respect that you've earned; and that your children can get a good education and young people can go to college, even if they don't come from a wealthy family. That's our common hope.


That's our common hope across this country. That's the essence of the American dream. But today, for far too many Americans, this dream is slipping away. Wall Street has been recently gripped by gloom over our economic situation. But for many Americans, the economy has effectively been in recession for the past seven years. We have just come through...


We have just come through the first sustained period of economic growth since World War II that was not accompanied by a growth in incomes for typical families. Americans are working harder for less.

Costs are rising, and it's not clear that we'll leave a legacy of opportunity to our children and our grandchildren. And that's why throughout this campaign I've put forward a series of proposals that will foster economic growth from the bottom up and not just from the top down. And that's why the last time I spoke on the economy here in New York, I talked about the need to put the policies of George W. Bush behind us, policies that have essentially said...


... policies that have essentially said to the American people, "You are on your own."

We need policies that once again recognize that we are in this together. And we need the most powerful, the wealthiest among us -- those who are in attendance here today, we need you to get behind that agenda.

It's an agenda that starts with providing a stimulus that will reach the most vulnerable Americans, including immediate relief to areas hardest hit by the housing crisis and a significant extension of unemployment insurance for those who are out of work.


If we can extend a hand to banks on Wall Street when they get into trouble, we can extend a hand to Americans who are struggling, often through no fault of their own.


Beyond these short-term measure, as president, I will be committed to putting the American dream on a firmer footing. To reward work and make retirement secure, we'll provide an income tax (sic) of up to $1,000 for a working family and eliminate income taxes altogether for any retiree bringing in less than $50,000 per year.


To make health care affordable for all Americans, we'll cut costs and provide coverage to all who need it. To put Americans to work, we'll create millions of new green jobs and invest in rebuilding our nation's infrastructure.


To extend opportunity, we'll invest in our schools and our teachers and make college affordable for every American. And to ensure...


And to ensure that America stays on the cutting edge, we'll expand broadband access, expand funding for basic scientific research, and pass comprehensive immigration reform so that we continue to attract the best and the brightest to our shores.


I know that making these changes won't be easy. I will not pretend that this will come without costs, although I have presented ways we can achieve these changes in a fiscally responsible way. I believe in PAYGO. If I start a new program I will pay for it. If I intend to cut taxes for the middle class, then we're going to close some of the tax loopholes for corporations and the wealthy that are not working for shared prosperity.


So we're going to have fiscal discipline. I know that we'll have to overcome our doubts and divisions and the determined opposition of powerful special interests before we can truly advance opportunity and prosperity for all Americans. But I would not be running for president if I did not think that this was a defining moment in our history.

If we fail to overcome our divisions and continue to let special interests set the agenda, then America will fall behind, short-term gains will continue to yield long-term costs, opportunity will slip away on Main Street, and prosperity will suffer here on Wall Street.

But if we unite this country around a common purpose, if we act on the responsibilities that we have to each other and to our country, then we can launch a new era of opportunity and prosperity.

I know we can do this because Americans have done this before. Time and again we've recognized that common stake that we have in each other's success. It's how people as different as Hamilton and Jefferson came together to launch the world's greatest experiment in democracy. That's why our economy hasn't just been the world's greatest wealth creator, it's bound America together, it's created jobs and it's made the dream of opportunity a reality for generations.

Now it falls to us. We have as our inheritance the greatest economy the world has ever known. We have the responsibility to continue the work that began on that spring day over two centuries ago right here in Manhattan, to renew our common purpose for a new century and to write the next chapter in the story of America's success.

We can do this, and we can begin this work today.

Thank you very much.




Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see someone else loved the speech from top to bottom. The "history lesson" is a signature of Obama's speeches that I love and is rarely mentioned. I had to do a google search of obama history lesson speech to get this hit.

peace said...

786 Name: Agha Dilbar(deserves for the noble peace prize) see our message of peace in internet search Key Word: No-1 aghadilbar No-2 aghadilbar2 No-3 aghadilbar3 E-mail Postal address:IRM(NGO)64-neelum,ait,Lahore,pakistan Location: Lahore, Pakistan, Phone No 0092427830084 Mobile 03334628349
Topic: Peace Comments Change the World with Peace and Prosperity 10-Million Urgent Peace letters to Head of States, UN, Parliaments, Political Parties, TV News Channels, International Newspapers, Magazines, Universities, Think tanks, Amnesty International , Welfare NGOs and Govt Contacts, all over the World
Subject: Friendship, Progress and Prosperity for peace throughout the World I Agha Dilbar Founder International Revolution Movement have sent10-Million research Peace Letters to International Community from 11-September 2001(9/11) till today about War on Terror. Our NGO International Revolution Movement (IRM) has 3-Principles, Friendship, Progress and Prosperity all over the World. Our NGO, s programmed is for The Welfare of International Community and to save the Human Being from 3rd World War and World Terrorism. ****************
I aghadilbar have been struggling last 7- years (from 9/11 to date) .To save Pakistan,Islamic Ummah ,and the World having 6 - 1/2 Billion People from current Goerrella War and Economic Disaster.But alas,non of the responsible Head of States,International Newespapers,Magzines,TV Newes Channels,Govt Institutions,Welfare NGO,s and United Nations paid any attention towards my Truths.
These days clouds of Guerrella War hovering on the sky, Economic Crises/Recession has set in USA,Europe,Japan,Middele East and is engulfing the whole World.I aghadilbar am Red Alerting to People of World and International Community to hear my Message of Peace before it is too late and 6-1/2 Billion People are drowned in the sea of disaster through more horriable Wars,Sucidal Attacks and Economic Crises.
I aghadilbar am the only person on Earth, who can solve all current Economic and War/Political Problems through my Political, Economic and Military Strategy. For God,s sake,please hear my Voice of Peace, strengthen my hands so that I can change destiny of people by taking them out of darkness of destruction and can make them Progress and Developed.May God bless you. Ameen.
I aghadilbar,am presenting a plan for completely controlling Sucidal Attacks in Pakistan,Palestine,India,Russaia,Afghanistan,Iraq and throughout the World.
The Plan is:that instead of waging War, the Govternments of Pakistan,Israel,India,Russaia USA UK Collation Forces and Nato Forces, should solve all disputes through Immediate Talks.Their Bugdets of War be spent on the welfare of War affected people of these areas.By this way , they can convert enimies into friends.By developing Agriculture,Industries,Commerce,Education,Health,Establishment of Scools,Colleges,Universties,Sports Complexes,Hospitals,Latest Industries,and 5-Star Hotels inTrible Areas and Swat of pakistan,Occupied Kashmir,Palestine,Chechneyia,Afghanistan and Iraq; they can change minds of the people of that Areas and make them Civilised Humans who oppose War and Sucicidal Attacks.But it will only be possible if USA,UK,Nato Forces,Russia,India,Israel and Pakistan demonsrrate Peace(through friendship progress and prosperity) instead of Killing Innocent People by Shooting,Shelling,Air Strikes and Maissiles.May God help us. ------------------
I Agha Dilbar have a Great Peace Plan for Kashmir, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Middle East, Iraq, Iran and Pakistan to stop and eliminate Suicidal Bomb Attacks and State Terrorism, all over The World. Some Powerful Underground Groups want to begin 3rd World War for their worst intentions. (To occupy the oil resources of under develop and weak countries of the world) World should remember that religion Islam is a religion of Peace Security, Fraternity and Love. We Muslims are not concerned with any sort of Terrorism; Terrorists are only using the name of Islam. Likewise people using the name of Islam to pretence are not Muslims. They are only Terrorists. I, Agha Dilbar on emergency ground want to present solid suggestions to International Community, regarding their policies on War against Terrorism, Can be saved from Economic Crisis, I should be given a chance to make Open Speech and Dialogue, on the leading TV News Channels to eliminate Poverty, Unemployment and Lawlessness(Sueside Bombing and State Terrorism) at International level. I am warning the International Community that according to my previous Research spread over a period of 7-years; it is evident that sufficient Intentional or Unintentional efforts have not been made to eradicate The Root Causes of Terrorism in all its forms and manifestations (Suicide Bombing,State Terrorisim and Destructive Tendencies). As a result thereof it is quite possible that there may be dramatic hundred times (100%) Increase in the Incidences of Terrorism and Suicide Bombing in the near future. For the sake of World Peace, I therefore request the International Community to provide me an Opportunity to explain to them, the root causes of World Terrorism and Suicide Bombings as to take bold steps to put an end to its basic causes. In Nutshell instead of using Brute Force,(Through State Terrorism) try to solve the matter through Table Talk. I should convince those who are on the wrong track that they are their Well - wisher and are interested to develop Friendship for mutual Progress. In the Reward of my Sincere Services, I please am given a chance of Official Visit to Interested Countries for Elaborating my Great Peace Plan before the Head of States and other concerned Higher Authorities. Regards****************
Agha Dilbar,s Urgent Peace Letter No.2) Subject: Agha Dilbar request for a chance of Open Speech and Dialogue To World Community for Peace. We want Peace not War. I Agha Dilbar have a Great Peace Plan for the World Community. This is A Great Treasure for Humanity. After following my Great Peace Plan, War on Terror will fight through UN Principles. I request to all the Head of States, UN, Parliaments, Political Parties, TV News Channels, International Newspapers and Magazines, Think Tanks, Universities, Amnesty International And Welfare NGOs, Please invite me in your Countries, Institutions, TV Shows, Media Forums to give me a chance of Open Speech and Dialogue about my Great Peace Plan. Thanks .I am sure that my Great Peace Plan will protect the Impending 3rd world War. After following the instructions contained in my Great Peace Plan, People of The World become Prosperous and Developed according to the latest Scientific Era. I Agha Dilbar have a Great Peace Plan, which depends upon, Friendship, Progress and Prosperity throughout the World. I hope that World Community will favor my Great Peace Plan quickly. Any question about my Great Peace Plan? Write directly to me. Thanks and Regards.
Agha Dilbar,s Urgent Peace Letter No. 3) Subject: Make the UN Peace Force strongest force of the World to save The World coming from on 3rd World War and State Terrorism, I Agha Dilbar warns the World Community that Israel should be Stopped from genocide and atrocities committed in Palestine and Labnan, In the wake of these Atrocities there must be more Suicidal Bombing and many other Horrible Incidences like 9/11 Attacks due to revenge, which can cause 3rd World War Any time.1) To begin the coming 3rd World War the owners of many Armament producing Factories are playing their roll very actively; so that they can get New Orders after the old stock get exhausted during the 3rd World War. I am putting on alert, UN, Head of States, Parliaments, Political Parties, TV News Channels, International Newspapers and Magazines, Universities, Think Tanks, Amnesty International, welfare NGO,s and Govt Contacts all over the World, that after The 3rd World War the Progress and Prosperity of all the Rich, Developed, Under Developed, Poor and Backward Countries of the World will become a dream In the wake of their Economic Crisis.3) Current Powerful, Rich and Developed Nations should keep in mind, That Even if they conquer the Weak Poor and Backward Nations their Armies will Have to face an upended Gorilla War in the occupied regions for the Next Five, Ten or Twenty Years, which might result in the destruction of? Their Defense Power and Economy. Here is a live example of Palestine, Kashmir, Chechnya, Afghanistan and Iraq.4) According to Agha Dilbar strategy, the entire giant disputes of the World Like Palestine, Kashmir Chechnya, Afghanistan and Iraq could only be solved Through UN Peace Force, after making it the strongest force in the World. I am positive that instead of using the wrong tactics of power in(State Terrorism and Concring Weak Countries) solving The above mentioned disputes of the World, will try to solve these amicably Through Friendship, Progress and Prosperity can avert World Terrorism and 3rd World War.
Agha Dilbar,s Urgent Peace Letter No.4)Subject: Agha Dilbar,s request to Rich and Developed Nations not to crush Underdeveloped and Poor Nations with State Terrorism or by starting 3rdWorld War .As per my research the State Terrorism in Kashmir, Palestine, Chechnya, Afghanistan and Iraq may cause of 3rd World War and Hundred Times Suicide Bombing all over the World. My message to UN is to crush the State Terrorism through UN Peace Force in Kashmir, Palestine and Chechnya. Also in the war affected areas. UN Peace Force should make practical efforts to solve Disputes with Table Talk, through Friendship Progress and Prosperity; All over the World .I hope the UN would be successful by implementing my Great Peace Plan, Friendship, Progress and Prosperity in disputed countries all over the World. If UN failed to bring Peace in these countries then 3rd World War and World Terrorism would be resulting in death of 20-Million People and Complete destruction of World Economy. Remember as per my research the next 3rd World War would not be an Atomic War, but it will be fought through traditional newly invented Dangerous Weapons. There will be no doubt that Developed and Rich Countries Forces Equipped with newly invented Dangerous Weapons will win the 3rd World War. In case of starting 3rd World War, Developing Countries and their Survival Countries involved in the long Gorilla War for their survival. Resultantly the World Community will totally collapse. Therefore in view above stated positions, the Developed Countries, possessing Fatal Weapons Should, instead of conquering the Under Developed, Poor Countries by Force, May achieve the goal through Friendship, Progress and Prosperity with the help of UN, so that permanent World Peace should be brought.
Agha Dilbar s Urgent Peace Letter No.5) Subject: New Revolutionary Planning to eradicate the worst Economic Crisis at the International Level I Agha Dilbar present new revolutionary planning to the World Community to Eradicate the worst Economic Crisis. After the implementation of these Suggestions all the Developed Rich Countries and Underdeveloped Poor Countries will enter in a new golden era of Friendship, Progress andProsperity.1) According to new business strategy of Agha Dilbar, all the Developed and Rich Countries of Europe, America and Asia will contribute @ 1% of their Annual National Budgets as a free aid to the Underdeveloped, Poor Countries for their Education, Health and Agriculture projects.2) In future all the Developed Rich Countries will make a final Decision to Produce commercial loans in Agriculture, Industry, Trade and Education at The rate of 1% Interest.3) In future all the Developed Rich Countries of the World will get the50%Profit of all the commercial projects installed in Agriculture, Industry, Trade and Education fields, of poor and underdeveloped countries. Rest of the 50% profit will be spent on the welfare projects of Underdeveloped Poor Countries in the fields of Health, Education, Agriculture and Industry etc.4) Moreover Developed Rich Countries of the World will bound to pay 50% of their earnings in Gas, Oil, Electricity and in the projects of minerals like Coal, Steel, Jewels, Gold as royalty to the Underdeveloped Poor Countries of The World.5) In future Developed Rich Countries of the World will make a treaty Through BOOT, according to which Under Developed Poor Countries will Provide Free land on 20 years lease for the commercial projects in Agriculture, Industry, Trade and Education etc. Under the BOOT_ Treaty all the Investors of Developed Rich Countries will Hand Over their Business Assets, Buildings, Machinery and Transport to the Undeveloped Poor Countries after 20_Years Free of cast.5) after above said business strategy, introduced by Agha Dilbar in Future may avoid World Terrorism and 3rd World War on its implementation. This Plan requires the Rich Developed Countries to invest on big commercial Projects In the fields of Agriculture; Industry and Trade in Under Developed Poor Countries to promote Friendship, mutual Progress and Prosperity.
Agha Dilbar s Urgent Peace Letter No.6) Subject: Agha Dilbar Great Peace Plan to give the command of forces of All The countries UN Peace Force to decide War against any Terrorist Country.1) Under the resolution of UN Security Council, to control the coming 3rd World War and World Terrorism, to make the UN Peace Force the most Powerful Force of the World. Following rules and regulations will be acted upon.2) In future UN Peace Force would be given the command of forces of all The Countries and UN Peace Force will decide whether to wage a War against any Terrorist Country or not.3) In future UN Peace Force will be Independent to take any timely Action against Terrorist Country.4) Under the UN Security Council Resolution, UN will take the charge of all Armament Producing Factories of the World in future. And in the said Factories the production would be curtailed to 25% only, and the rest of 75%Production would take place in the form of Cars, Buses, Trucks, Tractors, Trains, Ships, Aero Planes and Latest Machinery.5) After tacking the charge of all the International Forces, UN Peace Force will convert 25% of army into UN Peace Force, and rest of the 75% will be? Be Appointed to build, Dams, Canals, Roads, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Hospitals, Sports Complexes, Heavy Industries and projects of Oil, Gas and Minerals. 6) UN Security Council will pass a resolution, under which it will take of all the Weapons of Mass Destruction into its custody and will dispose of gradually in future; peaceful use of Atomic Energy would be promoted in all the countries.
Agha Dilbar s Urgent Peace Letter No.7) Subject: The Powerful, Developed countries should not initiate the 3rd World War. The rich nations in spite of their victory will have to face the Destruction of their Defense Power and Economy in the Long Gorilla War.1) According to Agha Dilbar s research on War against Terrorism Rich and Developed Countries of the World should never take an emotional step of Initiating the War on the bases of their Defense and their EconomicPower2) If their exist such few Terrorist Countries, then to destroy such Countries War should be fought from the platform of UN Peace Force .3) Rich and Powerful Countries should remember that due to state Terrorism In Kashmir, Palestine, Chechnya, Afghanistan and Iraq the bloody events Like 9/11 could take hundred times in revenge.4) If Rich and Powerful Nations do not take a positive and strong step To Stop the State Terrorism in Kashmir, Palestine, Chechnya through UN Peace Force and instead they start aimless 3rd World War, then their would be Hundred Times more Suicidal Terrorist Attacks in revenge.5) According to Agha Dilbar s research, in the wake of 3rd World War, 20-Mmillion innocent people will fall prey to death .6) In the wake of expected 3rd World War Rich and Powerful Nations in Spite of becoming victorious will have to face a worst Gorilla War in the Next 5, 10, 20 years, which will destroy the Defense and Economic Power of Victorious countries.7) According to Agha Dilbar s Research, World Terrorism and Suicidal Bombing Should be rooted out through UN Peace Force or through Table Talk.8) It is the best Advice to Rich and Powerful Nations from Agha Dilbar That Instead of staging 3rd World War they should keep the veneration of the Global village and its people and try to solve the disputed problems Through UN Table Talk and take the step of Friendship for mutual Progress and Prosperity.
Agha Dilbar s Urgent Peace Letter No.8) Subject: A New Plan of Agha Dilbar for solutions of disputes between Enemy Countries instead War or Terrorism and convert them to promote, Friendship Mutual Progress and Prosperity1) The disputed issues should be resolved through Table Talk instead of War or Terrorist Activities, between enemy countries.2) The enemy countries should launch mutual Cultural Shows on permanent basis.3) The disputed enemy countries start on large scale mutual Import /Export Facility on Barter Treaty.4) The Disputed Enemy Countries should provide mutual Scholarships to their Talent Students on equal basis.5) The disputed enemy countries should sign Mutual Pacts to construct Schools, Colleges, Universities and Hospitals for welfare purposes.6) The disputed enemy Countries should sign pacts for reducing the Arms and Engaging their Armies for construction of Dams, Canals, Highways, Bridges, Sports Complexes, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Hospitals, Airports, Sea Ports and Heavy Industries.7) The disputed enemy countries should co-operate to finish Terrorism In their countries on equal basis.8) The disputed enemy countries should start mutual Economic Programmed for giving Jobs to Doctors, Engineers, Mechanics, Electricians and Labor on equal basis in their countries.9) The disputed enemy countries should sign mutual pacts to construct Dams, Canals, Motorways, Bridges, Five star Hotels, Airports, Seaports and Heavy Industries. With the help of above Agha Dilbar plan the disputed enemy countries would be able to solve disputes and stop War and Terrorist Activities.
Agha Dilbar s Urgent Peace Letter No.9 Subject: According to Agha Dilbar s research, what type of acute? Horrible and dreadful problems, World Community will have to face during and after The coming 3rd World War.1) If UN fails to avert the coming 3rd World War, which would be fought with Traditional Weapons, under these circumstances, World Community will have to Face the following expected terrible results.2) Powerful and Rich countries after making continuous attacks and Capturing At least eight countries within the next few months, the 3rd World War would start Formally and it will continue for the next one year.3) In the coming 3rd World War, the allies of Powerful Rich Countries would Be Hundred in Number, and the Weak and Poor Countries against these Would also be Hundred.4) In the coming 3rd World War, around 20_Million Innocent People would fall Prey to death, and about 50-Million people would get crippled.5) Due to the 3rd World War, about One Billion People homeless and Jobless after destruction of their cities, and they will have to live a Nomadic Life In the open places for the next 5, 10 or 20 years.6) During and after the 3rd World War there will be a 75% decline in The Business of Agriculture, Industry, Trade, Tourism, Import and Export in The Next 5 years.7) After the 3rd World War, there will be a chain of Bloody Revolutions In The Rich Develop Countries and Poor Underdeveloped Countries due to Inflation, Unemployment, Lawlessness and Corruption.8) To avert all these terrible consequences of the 3rd World War, I Agha Dilbar request UN and World Community to instead of making the Global Village a Fire, Terrorism and War, they should try to solve the burning Issues through Table Talk or UN Peace Force in a Friendly, Progressive and Prosperous way .
Agha Dilbar s Urgent Peace Letter No.10) Subject: A Great Peace Plan for UN and International Community to save The World coming on 3rd World War I Agha Dilbar put a Great Peace Plan, War against Terror, for the sake of World Community. I appeal UN to act upon my Great Peace Plan Unconditionally for the sake of World Peace.1) All countries of the World should make the strongest UN Peace Force.2) UN Peace Force should be given full authorities for the sake of World Peace in Kashmir, Chechnya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Sari lanka and Nepal etc where Peace Plan may be implemented war affected areas and all administrative authorities may allotted to the UN Peace Force till the Peace Restored completely4) I Agha Dilbar am afraid that the World Community may enter into the3rd World War, because of such disputes among the above mentioned Nations, are Acting may induce the bloody war. Which can increase losses of life and Economy Hundred Times?
Agha Dilbar s Urgent Peace Letter No.11) Subject: World Community must support the Great Peace Plan of Agha Dilbar to stop the horrible, dreadful 3rd World War and World Terrorism1) for stopping the 3rd World War, which may erupt as a result of? Retaliation in Philistine, Kashmir, Chechnya, Afghanistan and Iraq State Terrorism, the World Community should support Agha Dilbar s Great Peace Mission. For this purpose, peace rallies should be organized in all big Cities as the next 3rd World War may take 200 Million innocent human Lives, besides crippling 500 Million People and starving, homeless One Billion People in addition to carrying inherent danger of Economic Crises.2) The World Community should awaken International awareness for making The UN Peace Force as the strongest Peace Enforcing Body having its control over Armies of all UN Member Countries.3) Apparently, Agha Dilbar s Great Peace Mission is a weak but truthful Concept, which with the help of World Community will compel the strong And Superpower armies to surrender before UN.4) The World Community should keep in mind that their support of this Great Peace Mission will change the 3rd World War and World Terrorism into Friendship Progress and Prosperity then the World will enter into a new Golden era. Agha Dilbar s Urgent Peace Letter No.12) Subject: Next 3rd World War is the Oil and Economic Interest War, which will Bring numerous International Revolutions between the Conquers and Concurred Nations1) World Community must remember that next 3rd World War is represented Religious War. Infect above mention war is the Oil and Economic Interest War.2) Next 3rd World War is the Oil and Economic Interest War, which will bring Numerous International Revolutions between the Conquers and Concurred Nations.3) International Anti-war demonstrations will play historic role to Stop the 3rd World War.4) The beginning of 3rd World War will prove strong grip of bureaucracy on the Democratic Institutions.5) The suspension of 3rd World War will crush the strong grip of International Bureaucratic Institutions.
Agha Dilbar s Urgent Peace Letter No.13Subject: Agha Dilbar,s Practical Steps for Peace Mission and International Community Awareness1) All the vehicles throughout the World should affix a sticker saying "Peace not War"2) Posters with the same slogan," Peace not War" should be displayed at all Public Places, like Shops, Showrooms, Hotels, Restaurants, Clubs, Schools, Colleges, Hospitals and Factories.3) World famous Singers, TV, Film and Stage Artists should present Songs, Stage Shows, Dramas and Films with this theme," Peace not War"4) World Fame commercial and industrial organizations, Banks, Mills, Import Export and Insurance Concerns should advertise with this slogan: "Peace Not War"5) At International Level, Amnesty International and all the welfare NGO,S should organize public rallies of "Peace not War"6) The affected classes of World would be affected, 3rd World War, like Laborers Farmers Students, Women and Children should hold rallies in support of" Peace not War"7) The Social and Political Activists Teachers, Advocates, Politicians Intellectuals, World Famous Players and Social Workers should send E-mails(With a copy through International News Papers and Magazines) for Stoppage of War to those Head of States who are preparing for War.(USA,Colation Forces and Nato Forces). 8) According to Agha Dilbar s Thesis, the only solution for preventing The Next 3rd World War is that the UN should be converted into the Worlds Strongest Peace Force instead of baseless speech forum.
Agha Dilbar,s Urgent Peace Letter No.14Subject: To stop the 3rd World War all the Anti-War Countries should make use full strongest Media Radio, TV, Internet and Newspapers1) Anti-War Countries should make appeal for Peace not War the peace Loving People of the World.2) Anti-War Countries should prove their propaganda; the Superpowers of the World are fighting for the security of their wrong Economic, Oil and Power Interest.3) Anti-War Countries should tell to the people of the World through their Media that next 3rd World War will become the cause Death of Two Hundred Million Innocent People and make Five hundred million People disabled.4) Anti-War Countries should tell the International Community that next 3rd World War will become the cause of One Billion People Homeless and Unemployed. In this way they will live in Nomadic Life for the next 5, 10 or20 years.5) Anti-War Countries should tell the International Community that next 3rd World War will become the collapse of 75% International Business of Agriculture, Commerce, Industry, Tourism and Import Export. In this way all Rich and Poor Countries of the World will become the cause of Inflation, Unemployment Lawlessness and Corruption with consequences of Bloodshed.
Agha Dilbar,s Urgent Peace Letter No.15Subject: A few Powerful Developed Countries want to Enforce Law of Jungle (Might is Right) after Conquering the World, International Community should Stand against it, Like an Iron Wall1) For controlling the Oil Resources of World, a few Developed Countries are Planning to enslave the International Community through next 3rd WorldWar.2) World Community should resist this move of Powerful Countries, who are Launching 3rd World War through false propaganda of Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction.3) The recent announcement of these countries has proved their Falsehood That they will not hesitate to form a new International Organization, if UN Security Council does not support their War Mission.4) The World Community must continue Peaceful Rallies for stopping the 3rd World War, so that 20-Million People can be sued from Death, 50-Million From being Crippled and One Billion from Starvation and becoming Homeless.5) The World Community should act upon Agha Dilbar s Great Peace Plan by Establishing Anti-War Peace Force under UN Control.6) Agha Dilbar appeal to International Newspapers, Magazines and TV News Channels that my Great Peace Plan is printed / broadcast on urgent Basis, so that World Community must know it for stopping the 3rd World War.
Agha Dilbar,s Urgent Peace Letter No.16) Subject: Stop War against Iraq, Afghanistan and now in Pakistan for the World s Peace. 1 Agha Dilbar am warning the Developed Powerful Countries to stop the War against Iraq Afghanistan and now in Pakistan, which can Cause of next 3rd World War any time.2) UN to make strong action to stop the War against Iraq or UN will Break any time.3) World Community should start Peaceful Demonstrations immediately against War on Iraq(and Afghanistan) otherwise 6-Billion People will become the victim of Worst Economic Crisis.(which has come now a day’s all round the world).4) Developed Powerful Countries after winning the War against Iraq(and Afghanistan) will be Engaged in long Gorilla War next 5, 10 or 20 years which will destroy their Defense and Economic Power.5) If the present War against Iraq(and Afghanistan) continues 100% Suicidal Attacks can Take Place in Revenge.6) To stop the present Iraq War, it is Agha Dilbar s Great Peace Plan UN Peace Force goes in Iraq immediately for World Peace.7) In case War against Iraq continue, there can be 100% Increase World Terrorism and Suicide Attacks which can cause the complete destruction of International Economy.
Agha Dilbar,s Urgent Peace Letter No.17Subject: World Community must help War Effected, Injured Iraqis1) Agha Dilbar appeals to UN, Head of States, World Red Cross that on Humanitarian grounds practical steps should be taken to help thousands of War Effected Iraqis.2) World Community should send Doctors, Nurses and Medicines to Iraq on Large scale and on Urgent Basis.3) Immediate Food is needed for thousands of War Effected Iraqis.4) Immediate steps should be taken for provision of Employment Resources to Hundreds of Thousands of People in War affected Iraqis.5) UN and Red Cross Aid distributing Teams should be immediately sent to Iraq.6) Human Rights Missions should be sent to Iraq for inspecting Prisoners of War are being dealt according to Geneva Convention or not.7) UN Network should be immediately established in Iraq for Distribution of Aid, Medicines, Food, Drinking Water and Tents etc.8) Agha Dilbar specially appeals to all Muslim Countries and International Welfare NGO,s that immediate help to Iraqis be given in shape of Food, Medicines and Tents etc.
Agha Dilbar,s Urgent Peace Letter No.18) Subject: Collation Forces after ceasefire in Iraq must go back to their Homeland, in other case Collation Forces after conquering Iraq will Back to Their countries with hundred thousand Dead bodies (Research by Agha Dilbar 1) After horrible and dreadful bombardment of Collation Forces in Iraq the Worst sentiments of International Community can take place against Collation Forces all over the World.2) Continuous horrible and dreadful War in Iraq will cause deaths of 10-Laks Iraqis and one lak Collation Forces in a long Gorilla War.3) Agha Dilbar advise Collation Forces they should not conquers Iraq for Iraqi Oil, in this way they can lose their Defense Power and Economy.4) Collation Forces can conquers Iraq after killing 10-Laks Iraqis, in Consequences, 100% Suicide Attacks can burst throughout the World against Collation Forces.5) Collation Forces decision to double their army in Iraq for their Victory will prove them a next Vietnam War.6) Collation and Nato Forces, keep in mind that Palestine,Labnan, Chechnya, Kashmir, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Iran cannot solve with Brute Force, in this way 9/11Type Incidences can take place against Collation Forces all over the World.7) Above-mentioned international disputes, Collation Forces should solve these disputes with the help of UN Peace Force, through Friendship, Progress and Prosperity.
Agha Dilbar urgent Peace Letter No.19) Subject: According the rule of Might is Right, Collation Forces Conquered Afghanistan, Iraq and then threatened Pakistan, Syria, Iran and North Korea.1) Collation Forces are blaming Syria, Iran and North Korea to Collecting Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism.2) Now Collation Forces have started horrible and dreadful planning to Attack Pakistan, Syria and then Iran for their oil Resources interest.3) UN can become helpless, if Collation Forces kept on capturing many Weak and Undeveloped Countries one by one.4) Collation Forces want to make slave all the countries of the World with The new Jungle Law. (Might is Right) 5). World Community should Convert such Collation Forces to UN Peace Force as Strongest force of the World.6) Peace Loving people of the World should solve their disputes not with Brute Force and Terrorism. They should solve their differences through Friendship Progress and Prosperity with the practical help of UN Peace Force.
Agha Dilbar Urgent Peace Letter No.20) Subject: The dream of Collation Forces to enforces Law of Jungle in World through use of power/cruelty will be resisted by World Community, as People all over the World have arisen and by becoming united they will crush Collation Forces in Iraq.1) For capturing oil resources of Iraq, the Collation Forces have started Aggression and worst bombing. People all over the World should condemn It.2) the aggression and cruelty, which the Collation Forces have started In Iraq is a plan to enslave the poor and weak nations. The World Community should take practical steps to stop this in Iraq.3) Agha Dilbar advises the Collation Forces that World can be conquered through Friendship, Progress and Prosperity instead of aggression and Cruelty.4) The dangerous plan of Collation Forces to dissolve UN, which they have Prepared under influence of force, barbarity and cruelty, UN should Resist It with the help of World Community.5) The Collation Forces, for capturing oil resources of Iraq have started Mass Killings of thousands of Iraqis. Iraqi soil will revenge it and The World Super Power will get humiliating defeat like Russians in Iraq.6) World Community must condemn the false propaganda of Collation Forces that they are doing it for freedom of Iraqi people.7) The Collation Forces must remember that in retaliation to state Terrorism against Philistine People, a tragic incident like suicide attack of 9/11Took place. It is possible that in revenge of aggression in, Labnan, Afghanistan, Iraq, and now in Pakistan. Many such like incidents may reoccur and never ending process may start.
Agha Dilbar's Urgent Peace Letter No.21Subject: The Collation Forces through massive War Power trying to Enslave of Poor World. How to stop them? 1) Recently the Collation Forces have started War in the name of Iraqi Freedom its only solution is that the World Community by making a UN Peace Force the most powerful body should take immediate steps to control the Plot of Collation Forces for starting 3rd World War.2) The World Community, through powerful media, i.e. Radio, TV Internet, Newspapers, Magazines, should start media propaganda for Public Opinion building.3) The World Community through Economic Boycott of Collation Forces, should Hit their Economies through Media.4) The War Crimes of Collation Forces in Iraq should be made public Through Media.5) The World Community should move to Intl Court of Justice against Collation Forces for damage to Iraq, People of Iraq and for withdrawal from Iraq.6) The Poor Countries, especially those with Oil Resources who will be First Targets of imperialist motives of Collation Forces, should start Campaign Through UN and other international Forums for their immediate Withdrawal and Establishing Democratic Govt in Iraq.
Agha Dilbar's Urgent Peace Letter No.22Subject: A new plan by Agha Dilbar to curb World Terrorism, Suicidal Attacks And for permanent restoration of Peace.1) The present strategy of Collation and Nato Forces to fight against World Terrorism and for stopping of Suicidal Attacks by attacking on Poor Countries, is resulting in further 100% Terrorism.2) The sufferings people of Poor Countries, massive killings of their Innocent people, loss of proprieties and source of livings is making them Customized to Suicidal Attacks.(there is a live example of Swat and Tribal Areas of Pakistan occupied Kashmir Iraq and Afghanistan.)3) This strategy of Collation Forces to attack on Poor Countries one by one In the name of curbing Terrorism, may result outbreak of 3rd World War at any time.4) The Collation and Nato Forces must remember that their continuous attacks on Poor Countries are generating Bloody Rebellions, Civil Wars and long Gorilla Wars with possibility of devastating World Economy.(There is a live example of Economic crises of rising Oil prices all over the world) 5) According to Agha Dilbar's Great Peace Plan, the Forces of all UN Countries of the World should hand over their Army High Command to UN-Peace Force.6) According to this Great Peace Plan proposed strongest UN_ Peace Force of the World should resolve International Disputes (As such Kashmir, Philistine, Chechnya. Afghanistan and Iraq etc.) Through Friendship Progress and Prosperity instead of Military Actions for curbing Terrorism and Suicidal attack.
Agha Dilbar,s Urgent Peace Letter No.23 Subject:
Agha Dilbar s new plan "United States of the World"(USW) should Immediately adopt this Plan for Defense of Poor Nations and Welfare of Their People.1) The World Community with the help of Develop Countries France, Germany, Russia, Japan, China, other European, Asian, Arab, African, States should form an Institution like Nato and European Union.2) The Headquarter of this proposed Institution (USW) should be based at France , Germany or China and its Head should be elected annually through Voting of Member States.3) This Institution (USW) will take all actions including Military, Economic, Industrial, Agricultural, Commercial, Educational and Cultural under the Principles of UN.4) USW will ensure Regional Safety and Defense of its Member States.5) USW will take immediate and practical steps for assurance of Single Currency.6) By abolishing Travel Restrictions, USW will encourage Tourism among Member States.7) USW will encourage Free Trade by abolishing Tariffs.8) For Economic, Industrial Agricultural Commercial and Educational Development of its Poor Member States, USW will provide technology and Confessional (@1%) Long Term Loans.9) USW will establish Schools, Colleges, Universities, Hospitals, and Sports Complexes, Motor Ways, Dams, Canals and heavy Industries in its Poor Member States.10) USW will take measures to control Environmental Pollution in its Member States.11) USW will resolve Regional Disputes of its Member States through Table Talk, Friendship, Progress, Prosperity instead of War and State Terrorism.12) USW will take steps for reduction of Armaments and Atomic Weapons throughout the World.13) The Member States of USW will establish common banks, Airlines and Shipping Companies.14) For making Brotherhood among USW member States, Govt Level Concessions will be provided to Cultural Groups for Traveling, Hoteling and Entertainment Shows.
Agha Dilbar Urgent Peace Letter No.24Subject: Collation Forces should remember that by their conquest of Poor Countries People of the World, instead of getting Peace, will become Victim of Suicide Attacks.1) By following Agha Dilbars principles of Friendship, Progress and Prosperity the World Community can establish permanent Peace in theWorld.2) Instead of relying on Supper Powers, the World Community should Hand Over, Command Forces of all countries to UN Peace Force, after making It the Mightiest War Power. In this way the UN should be the Global Village Supper Power.3) USA, UK, Russia, India and Israel must remember that use of Indiscriminate and continues State Force in Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya, Kashmir and Palestine will result in 100% Increase in Terrorism instead of Curbing it.4) The Collation and Nato Forces must forgo their dream of Capturing the World Through use of Force(just like Napoleon etc) they should remember that in this age of I.T. when World Is becoming A Global Village, the outdated rule of "Might is Right" of Previous 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th Centuries will not successes.5) I Agha Dilbar sincerely believe that only by adopting Principles of Friendship, Progress and Prosperity the Dream of World peace will Become a Reality after 5, 10, 50,100 years.6) The Collation Forces should not be mistaken that they will become a Cause of Peace and Progress after Conquering Poor Countries one by one; Rather Suicide Attacks World Over including Collation Countries, long Gorilla Wars will destroy World Economy.7) Collation Forces also remember that controlling World Terrorism by Enslaving Poor Countries (as Afghanistan and Iraq etc) Through War Machinery, killing of thousands innocent people, destruction of cities and Villages and eliminating employment sources, a new greater series of Suicide Attacks has started which can be controlled by abandoning use of Brute Force.8) World Community, UN and Head of States all over the World Powerful Media, Radio, TV, Inter Net, Newspapers, Magazines should Propagate Principles of Friendship, Progress and Prosperity for Establishing of World Peace.9) Collation Forces must remember that capturing Poor Countries one by one will start 3rd World War. Collation Forces overseas consists of 2 Million Army, Fighters, Aircrafts, Navel Ships, Airfields, Latest Destructive Armaments, Is destroying World Economy. In retaliation to this, a never-ending Chain of Suicide Attacks will start engulfing the whole World Economy, Especially in USA, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia and Australia.10) UN must stop This Indiscriminate Use of Force by Collation and Nato Forces of the World it will have to face a fate like its predecessor the "League of Nations".10) The Collation Forces should not forget that naked use of Military Force The World Over is 100 times destroying World Peace and Economy. For get Rid of World Terrorism and Suicidal Attacks, only Principles of Friendship, Progress and Prosperity can make this World a Haven.
Agha Dilbar's Urgent Peace Letter No.25Subject: The World Community has started March towards Peace in the Light of Agha Dilbar's Principles of Friendship, Progress and Prosperity.1) It is a pleasant news that Pakistan-India are preparing for talks to resolve Kashmir Dispute.2) Israel and Philistine are going to hold talks as per President Bush's Road Map instead of War and Suicidal Attacks.3) Russia has also agreed for talks with Chechens Gorilla Fighters.4) Keeping in view these facts and for strengthens peace process in the World. Agha Dilbar Appeals to Collation and Nato forces to gradually withdraw From Afghanistan, Iraq and under an International Agreement, UN Peace Forces should be deployed there till Normalcy.5) India, Israel, Russia, USA and UK must remember that as per research of Agha Dilbar in present Global Village Age, Peace is not possible by Conquering Weak countries on the pretext of Weapons of Mass Destruction and by State Terrorism, Mass Killings and destruction of Means of Production, rather use of Brutal Force will increase Suicide Attacks 100 Times resulting in Failure of World Economy.
Agha Dilbar's Urgent Peace Letter No.26 Subject: UN Peace Force should be displaced till Restoration of Peace In Internationally Disputed Arias of Kashmir, Palestine, Chechnya, Afghanistan and Iraq.1) As per Research of Agha Dilbar for stoppage of Guerilla War in Internationally Disputed Arias like Kashmir, Palestine, Chechnya, Afghanistan and Iraq and for fully resolving other disputes. These Disputed Areas should be put under control of UN Peace Force.2) After taking control these disputed areas and bringing Army, Police and Administration under Command of UN Peace Force should resolve all Issues Through Table Talk in the light of Principles of Friendship, Progress And Prosperity.3) UN Peace Force after taking charge of Kashmir, Palestine and Chechnya, Will order Indian, Israeli and Russian Armies to Vacate these Disputed Areas.4) Similarly it will Order Nato and collation forces to Withdraw from Afghanistan and Iraq and go back to their Homeland.5) UN Peace Force, after taking Control, will conduct Free and Fair Elections in Afghanistan and Iraq within 2-years and will Handover Govt to Winning Political Parties. However UN Peace Force will remain there Till 3-years for full Restoration of Peace.6) According to Proposed Plan of Agha Dilbar, UN Peace Force will Remain in Deployed in Kashmir, Palestine and Chechnya for 5-years after signing of Peace Agreements Disputed Parties Groups and it is expected Normalcy will Return that Period.7) It is hoped that UN Peace Force will succeed getting rid of Long Gorilla Wars and Suicide Attacks in the lights of Golden Principles of Friendship, Progress and Prosperity with the help of UN Peace Force.
Agha Dilbar, s Urgent Peace letter No.27) Subject: UN Security Council, through a Resolution for permanent World Peace will Order to Reduce 75% in the Defense Budgets of all Countries.1) UN at the International Level will Order the following Solid Steps To Maintain Peace and the Removal of Poverty.2) Under UN Orders, all the Nations of the World will renounce officially in the Reduction of their Defense Budgets 75%.3) Under suggested Defense Budget Plan, all the States will Reduce 75% In Their Armies Sea, Air War Fare in the Production and Buying of Ammunition. According to Suggested Agha Dilbar s Revolutionary Plan, all the Nations will be bound to Spend their Savings made by Reduction of 75% in their Defense Budget in the following Plans. A) According to UN Order all the States will be bound to Provide Free Medical Aid Facilities to each and every Person. B) According to UN Orders all the Govt,s. Will Provide Free Education Facilities to each Person in future. C) According to UN Orders all the Govt,s. will Provide UN Employment Allowance to each Person till the age of 60-Years.D) According to UN Order all the Govt,s. Will Provide Old Age Allowance To Each Person after 60-Years till Death. E). According to UN Order all the Govt,s. Will Provide 20-Years Soft Bank Housing Loans to each Person. F) According to UN Orders all the Govt,s. Will Provide @1%Interest Bank Loans for Trade, Agriculture and Industrial Projects.
Agha Dilbar, s Urgent Peace Letter No.28Subject: Throughout the world, UN should install, autonomous Institutions, UN Privatize Commissions (UNPC) to remove Poverty, Unemployment andCorruption.1) To privatize all the Govt Institutions in a transparent manner, Under the following rules and regulations of Autonomous Institutions will be Established.2) Suggested Institutions (UNPC) in all the countries will perform their duties as autonomous bodies.3) All the Executive Employees of suggested institutions (UNPC) will be recruited on Merit from other countries.4) Suggested Institutions (UNPC) during the next 5-years shall Privatize all the Banks, Water and Power, big Industrial Projects Health, Education, Agriculture and City Corporations etc in a Transparent Manner.5) Throughout the world all the countries will not Privatize their Defense..6) Suggested Institutions (UNPC) shall be Privatize on such terms and Conditions that they will have to carry the same Businesses. In case of Violation of Rule, UNPC will take back these Institutions without any Payment.7) Suggested Institutions (UNPC) shall be bound to sell all the Govt And Semi-Govt Institutions through their Stock Exchange in Shares.8) To bring forth the Suggested Institutions (UNPC) Decisions shall be Taking By Voting in the UN General Assembly.9) By establishing the Suggested Institutions (UNPC) at the International Level, the Privatization of all Govt and Semi-Govt will help in Alleviating the Poverty, Unemployment and Corruption all over the world.
Agha Dilbar's Urgent Peace Letter No.29Subject: According to UN Security Council Order, all countries would Allocate @ 2% of their National Budget for UN Development Fund (UNDF).1) Suggested UNDF would be used for the following Development Programmed to Eradicate Poverty and Unemployment from the Developing, Backward and Poor Countries.2) Through UNDF Dams, Canals, Railways, Motorways, Heavy Industry and Five star Hotels will be built in the Backward and Poor Countries.3) UNDF will be spent on Oil, Gas and Mineral Projects in Backward and Poor Countries.4) UNDF will be spent on Schools, Colleges, and Professional Institutes, Universities, Hospitals and Sports Complexes will be Constructed in Backward and Poor Countries.5) Under Suggested UNDF Latest agriculture Farms, Poultry Farms, Cattle Farms, Fish Farms and Export Processing Zones would be built in Backward and Poor Countries.6) Suggested UNDF would be spent on Population Planning in Backward and Poor Countries.7) Suggested UNDF would be install Airways, Banks and Shipping Companies In Backward and Poor Countries.8) Under UNDF following Basic Industries would be installed in Backward and Poor Countries.1. Steel Mills 2.Car, Bus, Truck, Tractor industries 3.Textile Industry 4. Tires, Tubes and Shoes Industry 5. Medicine Laboratories 6. Engineering Industry 7.Electronic Industry 8. Computer Industry 9.Dry Milk Industry 10. Tin Pack Fruit Industry.
Agha Dilbar, s Urgent Peace Letter No.30) Subject: To abolish Kick Backs at International Level, UN Anticorruption Commission (UNAC) should be established.1) Under the UN Resolution UN Security Council would be established, UN Anticorruption Commission (UNAC).2) Suggested (UNAC) would be authorized at the International Level to Take Stern preventive measures to control the Contacts of Kick Backs.3) Suggested UNAC would be authorized to take Hand over the Kick Back Cases Of Govt Officials, Ministers, Govt Contractors and Head of States to The International Court of Justice.4) Suggested UNAC would be authorized to charge Govt and their Head of States who would be found guilty of taking Kick Backs in the big Govt Contarcts.5) Suggested High Power International Institution (UNAC) would Confiscate All the Black Money made through Un-Fair Means, and giving all such Cases of Inappropriacy to International Court of Justice, it would help in Awarding The severe punishments to all Head of States, Ministers, High Officials, Smugglers and Traders who are found guilty in Corruption.6) Through the suggested UNAC, by eradicating Kick Backs and Black Money, it Will keep to remove Poverty, Unemployment and Terrorism immediately Throughout the World.
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